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Picture of CEO in a Conference Hall

Live CEO Address HD Webcasting Solutions

Be accessible and engage with employees and other stakeholders around the globe with our next-generation HD webcasting solutions
Ceo Communication with Team





employees and other stakeholders with Live CEO Address HD webcasting solutions

Webcasting CEO Address events helps in creating a feeling of unity and integrity among the employees of the organization. Live streaming is an incredibly valuable tool with which employees and stakeholders can experience live meetings with the CEO from the comfort of their desk.
With our webcasting solutions send out company-wide messages by the CEO weekly, monthly or quarterly. With the skill and expertise of our experienced team we are able to conduct such events at short notice.
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Widen your reach
Live stream your events to audiences of any size and reach large and remote employees effectively. Scale your live events across the organization to different branches without additional production overheads.
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Flexible video delivery
Get optimal network performance as we use one of the world’s best CDN networks and provide ABR streaming solutions
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Increase participation
Engage employees and other stakeholders and increase participation with Q&A sessions, employee polling, feedback and more

Deliver Live CEO Address across the organization




Make your CEO heard with our webcasting platform as it puts focus on their message and facilitates face-to-face communication with every employee and stakeholders.
Get everyone present for the Live CEO Address from anywhere with our interactive webcasting solutions
Group of CEO's Having a Conversation

Create a personal connection between the employees and CEO with Live HD Webcasting Solutions

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Decrease travel
Employees from international branches across countries can attend the Live CEO address through virtual webcasting
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Disseminate information
With the help of our live streaming platform share vital announcements in real-time
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Motivate employees
Live CEO address events play an important role in motivating the employees throughout the length and breadth of the organization
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Rewards & recognition
Teams and employees can be congratulated for their achievements using our live broadcasting platform
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Deliver a consistent message
Build an informed workforce with a consistent message flow through live streaming events around the world
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Reinforce culture and values
Live CEO address provides the opportunity to reinforce the organization's culture and values. With live streaming, CEO’s can reinforce the core values and culture that every employee should know.